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Welcome to the BTG e-Learning Centre

We offer a range of Work Health & Safety and Professional Development risk based e-Learning training modules. This will assist all workers in acquiring the skills necessary to ensure a safe workplace for all.

Training your managers, workers, volunteers and board members via our e-Learning programs, this will provide your organisation with an immediate improvement in skills transfer and a reduction in overall training costs.

A great way to access our training online!

See the list of all available modules and our membership package deals below…

Features and Benefits
of e-Learning

  • e-Learning is learner centred and self-paced which allows a person to learn at their own pace;
  • On-demand access means learning can happen when needed – no need to book in;
  • e-Learning accommodates multiple learning styles using a variety of delivery methods geared to different learners’ styles making it more effective and enjoyable for learners;
  • 24/7 accessibility makes scheduling easy;
  • Traditional training costs (facilitator’s fee, venue hire, refreshments, relief workers wages and travel costs) are significantly reduced or eliminated;
  • You will have access to a variety of e-Learning modules that will allow your organisation focus on a person’s professional development; and
  • e-Learning training module also has the added advantage of providing easily accessible refresher training at a time which suits you; and
  • On successful completion of an e-Learning program you can print yourself a Certificate of Completion.

Please feel free to email us with any suggestions or topics you would like to see into the future.


For the participant

Our e-Learning training modules will support you in developing and maintaining the knowledge, skills and values required to ensure the work health and safety of everyone in the workplace.

See the list of all available modules and our membership package deals below…


March 17, 2021

Experience our e-learning training

in e-learning Programs

by Nick

Welcome to an opportunity to experience e-learning training.

We offer a range of WHS and Professional Development risk-based e-Learning training modules, they will assist all workers in acquiring the skills necessary to ensure a safe workplace for all. Training managers, workers, volunteers, and board members via e-learning will provide your organisation with an immediate improvement in skills transfer and a reduction in overall training costs.

Our e-learning modules

Work Health Safety Awareness

All workplaces need to be committed to ensuring that all worksites are safe and without risks to all workers and other people within the workplace.

Say No to Bullying and Harassment in the Workplace

Workplace bullying and harassment places staffs' health, safety and well-being at risk and may lead to psychological and/or physical injury and also contribute to other injuries occurring.

Safe Home Visiting

This module is all about keeping you safe when working within clients’ private homes and whenever you access the community. It has been designed to assist you in becoming a…

Restrictive and Prohibited Practices (Disability Services)

Reducing and eliminating the use of restrictive practices is consistent with the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and its intent to protect the rights,…

Professional Boundaries

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person whilst maintaining your professional boundaries.

Preventing Psychological Injuries Within the Workplace

This module has been designed to explore how psychological injuries are developed within the workplace and how the effective combination of primary, secondary and tertiary levels of intervention can assist…

Occupational Violence within the workplace

The purpose of this module is to provide workers the opportunity to develop a further understanding of occupational violence.

Motivate Your Workers

It probably comes as no surprise that employees who feel valued are more motivated, responsible, and productive. The happier an employee is, the better the results they will deliver.

Medication Management (General)

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person with medication.

Manual Handing Awareness

Incorporate safe manual handling practices into your everyday activities both at home and whilst at work to prevent a manual handling injury from occurring.

Management Waste and Hazardous Substance.

This module is to assist workers, participants, and any other person to protect from harm as a result of exposure to waste, Infectious or hazardous sustenance’s generated during the delivery…

Infection Control

The most effective way to ensure infection control is to treat all bodily fluids and surfaces as though they are infectious. Gloves must be worn wherever there is a likelihood…

Health and Safety Committee Training

The purpose of this module is to develop and enhance Health Safety Committee members’ knowledge of the WHS Act 2011 and Regulation 2017, and assist your organisation in developing, maintaining…

Experience our e-learning training

Welcome to an opportunity to experience e-learning training. We offer a range of WHS and Professional Development risk-based e-Learning training modules, they will assist all workers in acquiring the skills…

Epilepsy Management

This module covers information about epilepsy and seizures, including descriptions and videos of different seizure types, as well as seizure first aid and management strategies. A disorder in which nerve…

Duty of Care and Dignity of Risk

This module has been developed in assisting you in developing further skills and knowledge in supporting a person whilst upholding your duty of care and balancing dignity of risk concerns.

Due Diligence for Officers

This module is to assist Officers to lead in work health and safety by working proactively and doing all that is reasonably practicable to ensure the safety of all in…

Behaviour Management Approach

This module has been developed to assist workers/carers the skills, knowledge and understanding -  how to support participants with Behaviour’s of Concern.

Abuse and Neglect (Disability)

Everybody has the right to live without violence, abuse, and neglect. However, people with disability are often the victims of abuse and neglect – much more often than people who…

WHS Risk Management

By ensuring work health safety risk management is an integral part of all decision making processes an organisation will improve their work health safety performance across their organisation, which will…

Skills Validation / Staff Capability

BTG also offers Skills Validation / Staff Capability to a number of our training programs. Skills Validation / Staff Capability is an excellent risk management strategy which allows your organisation to ensure your workers’ skills are validated, and that they are capable of safely performing their allocated tasks. This assists your organisation to ensure work is conducted in a safe manner, is consistent and appropriate to your requirements.

A Skills Validation Program also assists you in meeting one of the seven (7) action areas of the Australian Work Health Safety Strategy 2012 – 2022 - Staff Capability.

Please contact BTG to discuss further - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 0412 050 614

BTG e-Learning Packages

Casual member


1 enrolment to any of our e-Learning modules.

A great way to try out our e-Learninge packages

(2 weeks to complete)

Special Offer 1


1 enrolments with access to your choice of 3 different modules

Introductory offer become a casual member and get access to 3 courses for the price of 2

(4 weeks to complete)


Price on Application

If you wish to purchase a number of modules (more than 3) or if you would like to register a large group or workers, please contact BTG to discuss and arrange your e-learning purchase.

If you wish to purchase a number of modules (more than 3) or if you would like to enrol a number of your workers, please contact BTG to discuss and arrange your e-learning purchase.
Contact  rob@btgtraining.com.au | (02) 4367 0071 or (m) 0412 050 614

Don't forget to read the "Purchase and Enrolment information"

October 01, 2019

When is the last time you “caught” one of your workers doing something right and let them know that you noticed?

October 01, 2019

Value your staff,

Value your safety.

October 01, 2019

The purpose of learning is growth, and as our minds continue to grow, we continue to learn.

October 01, 2019

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”  

- Peter F. Drucker

October 01, 2019

Safety is not about numbers.
It's about people.”

October 01, 2019

Safety culture
requires a
team approach

October 01, 2019

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

- Zig Ziglar

October 01, 2019

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

- Randy Harrison

October 01, 2019

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”  

- Peter F. Drucker

October 01, 2019

“Like a fence, boundaries require maintenance. Some people crawl on our boundaries like ivy”.

Adapted from Katherine, A. Boundaries, where you end and I begin. (1991). Simon & Schuster, NY.

October 01, 2019

Everyone experiences conflictit’s how you deal with it that matters.

October 01, 2019

“Be a Risk Thinker and keep yourself safe”

October 01, 2019

 Motivation is not about lighting a fire under a person – it is about lighting a fire within.