The purpose of this module is to develop and enhance Health Safety Committee members’ knowledge of the WHS Act 2011 and Regulation 2017, and assist your organisation in developing, maintaining and promoting a positive safety culture throughout your organisation.

Following successful completion of this module, Health Safety Committee members will have the skills necessary to identify areas of non-compliance and will be able to submit their recommendations for improvement to senior management as part of your organisation’s continuous quality improvement strategy.

By ensuring all Health Safety Committee members are trained in their responsibilities and in how to make their Health Safety Committee function effectively will add further value to your organisation’s safety management system, and assist in improving your organisation’s overall work health and safety performance.

This module is divided up into four units. They include:

Unit 1 WHS Legislation

Unit 2 Health Safety Committees

Unit 3 Health Safety Committee Terms of Reference

Unit 4 Resolving WHS issues and WHS Issue Resolution


At the completion of this module you will:

  • Identify what is the purpose of a Health Safety Committee;
  • Develop an understanding of the WHS legislation and its relevance to their organisation’s safety management system;
  • Develop an understanding of the functions of the Health Safety Committee and members;
  • Look at what makes a Health Safety Committee work well to achieve positive WHS safety outcomes for all;
  • Be able to assist in the development and review of the Terms of Reference to support their committee; and
  • Describe the steps to be taken in an effective WHS issue Resolution Procedure.


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