It probably comes as no surprise that employees who feel valued are more motivated, responsible, and productive. The happier an employee is, the better the results they will deliver.

The goal of every employer is to make sure that they have a workforce who will do their best, but this does not simply mean making the job easy for their employees. In fact, part of the problem of motivation is that where the job is too easy, employees become complacent.

This module will help supervisors and managers in delivering the right balance between a confident, motivated workforce and a workforce which is driven to attain goals. It is designed specifically to help busy managers and supervisors understand what employees need to ensure that they have the correct tools to create a motivated workforce, and to give them a starting point for creating star performers.

"The only way to get people to like working hard is to motivate them. Today, people must understand why they're working hard. Every individual in an organisation is motivated by something different." - Rick Pitino

This module is divided up into seven units. They include:

Unit 1 - Psychology of Motivation

Unit 2 -Encouragement Styles

Unit 3 -Reinforcement Theory

Unit 4 -Using the Expectancy Theory and Developing Motivational Plans

Unit 5 -Goal Setting

Unit 6 -Motivation in the Workplace

Unit 7 -Addressing Specific Morale Issues

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this module, you should be able to:

  • Define motivation, and what part they play
  • Realise the importance of Employee Motivation
  • Understand methods of Employee Motivation
  • Understand the theories which pertain to Employee Motivation
  • Setting SMART and defined goals.
  • Understand how to maintain motivation in themselves and their employees.

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