Most of us work more effectively when we have something to work towards or an outcome that we approve of. As different things motivate different people, as Herzberg’s Theory suggests, what will motivate each individual will be a mix of satisfaction and non-dissatisfaction. As a supervisor or Team Leader, one of your primary responsibilities is to get your workers to produce desirable results through specific behaviours. To do this, you have to get them to actually change their behaviour patterns. The key principle to understand in changing workers’ behaviour is that you can’t change it for them; they must change it themselves. With that principle in mind, we will be looking at a number of strategies we could use to motivate workers to change their behaviour.
Participants at the conclusion of this workshop will be able to:
- Define motivation, and what part they play;
- Realise the importance of Worker Motivation;
- Understand methods of Worker Motivation;
- Recognise different personality types and how they fit into a plan for Worker Motivation;
- Setting SMART and defined goals;
- Understand how to maintain motivation in themselves and their workers.
TARGET GROUP: Supervisors, Team Leaders and Coordinators
FACILITATOR: Robert has experience in community programs, risk management, injury management and has incorporated his extensive skills into this program which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants. Rob is also an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and a qualified assessor and trainer.
We do travel outside Hunter & Central Coast area so please contact BTG to discuss.....