(Working Safely in Private Dwellings and “External” Locations)
This interactive workshop has been developed to discuss and develop an understand of the delicate balance between various legislations obligations within a workplace and the WHS Act. This workshop will allow participants to explore what is “so far as is reasonably practicable” and weigh up risks in providing a service directly or indirectly within a controlled environment, a person’s home and a community setting.
During the workshop a range of resource tools will be reviewed which incorporates early intervention, strengthening your safety culture, and embracing the premise that WHS is a shared responsibility.
Participants on successful completion of this program will:
- Discuss the WHS legislation in reference to non-vocational and community settings;
- Review risk management principles in relation to this workshop;
- Discuss your company/ organisation’s arrangements and core values to explore WHS risk control measures;
- Develop effective WHS strategies to address all foreseeable risks, including significant challenging behaviours and manual handling issues when working in non-vocational and community settings;
- Customise resource tools (including guidelines, checklists and evaluation templates); and
- Develop an understanding of ideal safety management practices within non-vocational and community settings .
FACILITATOR: Robert has experience in community programs, risk management, injury management and has incorporated his extensive skills into this program which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants. Rob is also an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and a qualified assessor and trainer.
We do travel outside Hunter & Central Coast area so please contact BTG to discuss.....