Workplace bullying and harassment places your staff’s health, safety and well being at risk and may lead to psychological and/or physical injury and also contribute to other injuries occurring. Bullying and harassment often continues unchecked, as people don’t want to talk about it. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes; they can be men or women, managers, supervisors, colleagues or carer/family members.
This workshop specifically addresses what is and is not bullying behaviours. We also focus on what constitutes harassment and the impact it has on individuals and on the workplace. We will also explore leadership styles, which can assist in improving your workplace culture and relationships, and how you can work towards developing an improved pro-active safety culture.
(Employers should develop a Code of Acceptable Behaviour and a No Bullying Policy. The policy should be negotiated in consultation with health and safety committees, unions and staff.)
Participants on successful completion of this workshop will:
- Develop an understanding of what is and what is not bullying behaviour within the workplace;
- Develop an understanding of what constitutes harassment within the workplace;
- Develop an understanding of knowing what to do if workplace bullying or harassment is happening to you;
- Develop an understanding of what you can do when witnessing bullying;
- Develop an understanding of awareness strategies which can be implemented to prevent workplace bullying and harassment occurring within the workplace;
- Develop an understanding of the importance of embracing a pro-active risk management approach in addressing workplace bullying and harassment; and
- Develop an understanding of the relevant legislations and the employer and employee obligations to ensure the health, safety and well being of all workers.
FACILITATOR: Robert has experience in community programs, risk management, injury management and has incorporated his extensive skills into this program which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants. Rob is also an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and a qualified assessor and trainer.
We do travel outside Hunter & Central Coast area so please contact BTG to discuss.....