Robert Watson (Rob) and Deborah Woods are the founders of Bridge The Gap Training and Assessment in 2008. Deb has retired from the workforce and will be dearly missed.
Moving forward - Rob is the Founding Director of Bridge the Gap Training and Assessment. Rob with his passion and desire continues working within the Health and Community Services sector. Rob is also the main trainer at BTG and is committed and dedicated to enhancing clients' quality of life, living within our communities by utilising his many years of experience.
Rob is an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and an Accredited Return-To-Work Coordinator. With his experience in injury management and risk management, he has incorporated his extensive skills and experience into this SafeWork NSW designed & approved program, which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants.
Rob’s qualifications include Diploma in Training and Assessment (TAA40104), Certificate IV in Business (Frontline Management), Certificate IV in Work Health and Safety, and a Level 1 Fire Safety Officer training certificate.
Prior to BTG, Rob worked for NSW State Government in various roles. Rob utilised his skills and expertise to help the relief effort in the wake of a NSW state-declared disaster, and was later awarded a NSW State Medal in official recognition of the excellent service and support he provided.
Rob also worked at Kincumber Neighbourhood Centre (KNC) as a Co-Manager. As a co-manager of KNC, Rob was an integral part of a team making positive changes in the local community. His role includes; establishing and maintaining key external relationships and partnerships, financial and staff management, a source of information for the community, write funding applications and oversees the development and implementation of a strategic planning process. With his recent experience Rob brings this to the classroom environment that further enhances BTG programs.
You can phone Rob directly on 0412 050 614
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