Resilience is our ability to “bounce back” from stressful and challenging events in our lives – both professionally and personally. Working in the Health and Community Services sector, supporting clients may increase the risk of your workers’ susceptibility in experiencing a mental health illness due to lower resilience levels. This workshop will assist participants to help offset certain ‘risk factors’ that increase the likelihood of them experiencing a mental illness and assist them to bounce back from their challenges to reach their full potential. Improving resilience skills will assist participants and their business to attain their identified goals, by maintaining focus, improving individual morale levels and in achieving quality life outcomes for all. Participants will learn practical resilience skills, in line with best practice, which they can use to work through their challenges to maintain their mental health and emotional well-being.


Participants on successful completion of this workshop will:

  • Understand the importance of building and maintaining their levels of resilience to look after their mental health and emotional well-being;
  • Learn practical strategies and tips to master stress, fatigue and illness; and
  • Be aware of support networks and agencies that can assist them with their overall mental health and well-being.

TARGET GROUP: workers at all levels of the organisation

FACILITATOR: Robert has experience in community programs, risk management, injury management and has incorporated his extensive skills into this program which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants. Rob is also an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and a qualified assessor and trainer.

We do travel outside Hunter & Central Coast area so please contact BTG to discuss.....

Please contact BTG to make a booking (02) 4367 0071 or 0412 050 614

Course Details   |   Online Enquiry

October 01, 2019

When is the last time you “caught” one of your workers doing something right and let them know that you noticed?

October 01, 2019

Value your staff,

Value your safety.

October 01, 2019

The purpose of learning is growth, and as our minds continue to grow, we continue to learn.

October 01, 2019

“The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.”  

- Peter F. Drucker

October 01, 2019

Safety is not about numbers.
It's about people.”

October 01, 2019

Safety culture
requires a
team approach

October 01, 2019

“People often say that motivation doesn’t last.  Well neither does bathing – that’s why we recommend it daily.”

- Zig Ziglar

October 01, 2019

Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.

- Randy Harrison

October 01, 2019

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.”  

- Peter F. Drucker

October 01, 2019

“Like a fence, boundaries require maintenance. Some people crawl on our boundaries like ivy”.

Adapted from Katherine, A. Boundaries, where you end and I begin. (1991). Simon & Schuster, NY.

October 01, 2019

Everyone experiences conflictit’s how you deal with it that matters.

October 01, 2019

“Be a Risk Thinker and keep yourself safe”

October 01, 2019

 Motivation is not about lighting a fire under a person – it is about lighting a fire within.