You are working in disabilities. In the past that meant caring for people with disabilities. Today it means much more. You are supporting people to achieve their personal goals, as well as supporting their rights and independence. Above all your role is to make a difference. The changes that have taken place over recent years have meant that people with a disability can and do have greater expectations of what they would like to achieve in life and on how they would like to live. This means that they also have greater expectations of service providers. You, as a worker in the industry, need to support different people according to their needs, dreams and goals as well as allowing for their particular disability.
Participants who successfully complete the workshop will be able to:
- Gain an understanding of a person with a disability achievement and struggles within society;
- Be familiar with disability legislation and legal requirements for disability equality; and
- Develop further skills in working towards the importance of improving a person living with a disability a better quality of life..
TARGET GROUP: Front line Staff / Volunteers / Carers
FACILITATOR: Robert has experience in community programs, risk management, injury management and has incorporated his extensive skills into this program which will further strengthen the learning outcomes for all participants. Rob is also an approved training provider by SafeWork NSW and a qualified assessor and trainer.
We do travel outside Hunter & Central Coast area so please contact BTG to discuss.....
Please contact BTG to make a booking (02) 4367 0071 or 0412 050 614
Course Details | Online Enquiry