The Community Services (Complaints, Reviews & Monitoring)
Act 1993 No2 (CS-CRAMA) applies to all government and non-government community services provided, funded, licensed or authorised by government services.
Organisation need to be committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using a service or affected by a services operations has the right to lodge a complaint or to appeal a decision of the organisation and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access and equity, fairness, accountability and transparency.
This interactive workshop has been developed to assist
managers and supervisors in providing their staff with the skills, knowledge and understanding to support clients with Behaviours of Concern.
The training incorporates the National and State Disability Service Act and Standards, NDIS Act as well as relevant government related policies of best practice, which will assist managers to effectively risk manage their clients, which assists in enhancing their clients’ quality of life. Group activities will be conducted to further enhance your staff’s understanding of the term Behaviours of Concern and why they occur. We will look at the principles of adapting a positive approach to behaviour support and positive practice, as well as prevention and pro-active approaches, which also focus on staff keeping themselves safe.
This interactive workshop has been developed for workers to develop an understanding as to why difficult behaviours occur with a person that has been diagnosed with a dementia – type condition. We will discuss a number of behaviour problems that sometimes accompany dementia condition e.g. Alzheimer’s disease. Group activities will be conducted to give you the opportunity to understand why the person with dementia is behaving in a particular way and what could be the possible cause/triggers for this behaviour. We will look at the importance of prevention to minimise the behaviour and the tools we can use to assist. Problem solving techniques will be shown in working towards resolving issues whilst maintaining a service to a person with dementia.
Working in the Health and Community Service sector presents numerous and unique challenges regarding leadership style, resource management and work health safety risk management for all workers and the organisation. Addressing the delicate balance between various legislations, industry standards, individualised personalised funding for clients, and the significant casualisation rates of staff poses a significant challenge to manage service provision efficiently, effectively and safely.Whilst management are supporting their workers and their organisation through these changes they will also need to be aware and develop an understanding of the Person Centred Planning Framework and the Principles and Practices. This includes; relationships and building partnerships; making a difference day to day, and in strengthening roles and developing opportunities for inclusion.
Leadership and staff engagement are the key to success for this to be attained. A successful leader mentors and coaches their workers, builds professional relationships based on trust, provides learning opportunities for all workers, sets goals and keeps the team motivated to succeed and rewards their success when they do.
This interactive workshop has been developed for workers to develop an understanding of their Duty of Care and Dignity of Risk within their organisation and in the delivery of a service to clients.
The workshop will provide opportunity for workers to discuss the importance of implementing Duty of Care in a variety of service models. Activities and group work within the workshop will allow the workers to explore and develop skills and increase their knowledge with Dignity of Risk. That risk is an essential aspect of life and it should not be denied.
A service provider is required to display good governance, management and quality processes when implementing privacy practices in how they collect, storing, using and disclosing personal and health information which are regulated by the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act (Privacy Act) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (Health Privacy Act).
This interactive workshop has been developed for workers are explore their professional boundaries within the work place. To discuss with their peers the importance of establishing boundaries whilst providing a service and meeting clients’ needs. Problem solving techniques will be shown in working towards resolving problems and not crossing the professional boundaries.
Work etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social behaviour in a workplace. This code is put in place to “respect and protect time, people, and processes.” Professional etiquette is an unwritten code of conduct regarding the interactions among the members in a business setting. When proper professional etiquette is used, all involved are able to feel more comfortable, and things tend to flow more smoothly.
This interactive workshop has been developed for workers to understand their required duties to provide physical or verbal assistance to people who need to take or apply medication. The training session will discuss legislation requirements and in general business policies and procedures. The session will also cover the “What if” (medication errors, refusal to take medication, manage drugs and records, manage medication containers and transport)
You are working in disabilities. In the past that meant caring for people with disabilities. Today it means much more. You are supporting people to achieve their personal goals, as well as supporting their rights and independence. Above all your role is to make a difference. The changes that have taken place over recent years have meant that people with a disability can and do have greater expectations of what they would like to achieve in life and on how they would like to live. This means that they also have greater expectations of service providers. You, as a worker in the industry, need to support different people according to their needs, dreams and goals as well as allowing for their particular disability.