By ensuring work health safety risk management is an integral part of all decision making processes an organisation will improve their work health safety performance across their organisation, which will enhance quality service delivery outcomes for their clients.

Section 19 of the Work Health Safety Act (2011) outlines the Person Conducting the Business or Undertaking’s (PCBU) primary duty of care to ensure the safety of all in the workplace. This is strongly emphasised during role-plays, and problem solving techniques using case studies in this training course.

Risk management involves a systematic process by which hazards are identified and the risk of injury or illness is eliminated or reduced. Risk management is applied to all PCBU’s WHS programs and all work practices, systems and processes.

The module is divided up into 3 units. They include:

Unit 1 - What is Risk Management?

Unit 2 – Risk Management Process

Unit 3 – Safety, Safety, Safety


At the completion of this module you will:

• Develop an understanding of what is risk management and the risk management process; and

• Know how to use your organisation’s safety management system keep yourself safe.


We all should work towards building a culture where risk management or “risk thinking” is an integral part of how we work.


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