This module has been developed to assist workers/carers the skills, knowledge and understanding - how to support participants with Behaviour’s of Concern.
About this module
The purpose of this module is to provide workers the opportunity to develop a further understanding of Behaviour Management Approach.
It will assist in developing and/or enhancing your own skills in reducing and managing challenging behaviour.
A community support program provides a client an opportunity to engage within the community and to make individual choices about their own lifestyle.
The most effective way in which to decrease challenging behaviours or support a behaviour of concern in people with disabilities in a supported environment is by utilising a positive and active support process.
The aim of positive approaches to behaviour support is to provide a respectful and sensitive environment in which the client is empowered to achieve and maintain their individual lifestyle goals. |
The module is divided up into 9 units. They include:
Unit 1 – Behaviour Management Approach
Unit 2 – Reducing and Managing Challenging Behaviours
Unit 3 - Person Centred Practice
Unit 4 – Behaviours of Concern
Unit 5 – Developing Strategies for Behaviour Support (ie: Active Support)
Unit 6 - NDIS Restrictive Practices
Unit 7 – Examples of Restrictive Practice
Unit 8 – Prohibited Practices
Unit 9 – Observation, Monitoring and Reporting
Learning Outcomes
At the completion of this module you will:
develop an understanding of “Behaviour’s of Concern”
develop an understanding of antecedents (triggers), behaviour and outcomes,
develop an understanding of policy-related “best practice” approach,
develop an understanding of the importance of consultation and documentation in supporting participants.
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